Být součástí kmene - Strakonice 2021
A je to tady. Strakonice, opět po roce. Dvacet devět let stará tradice a stále běží. Proti tomu můj třetí rok zní skoro až směšně! Přesto si už nedokážu představit léto bez této jedinečné akce. A jelikož v posledním roce na nás stále všichni hážou jen špatné a ještě horší zprávy, pojďme se spolu na chvilku zavřít do země zalité Sluncem, duhami a jednor(n)ožci. Pojďme se spolu usmát, pohladit duši a být vděční.
So the time has finally come. After quite a year. Twenty-nine years old tradition and it is still on. I am such a newbie there with my third year. Despite of that I can´t imagine a summer without this unique event. Last year was tough for the whole world and media were full of either bad news or even worse ones. So it is time to shut ourselves in the world full of sunshine, rainbows and unicorns at least for a moment. What do you think? Lets stop for a minute and be grateful for what we have. For the bright side of the world.
Strakonice v kostce./ Strakonice in a nutshell. |
As always I am gonna tell you that making sense of my thoughts was really hard. To find the right words seems close to impossible, because it is such an unforgettable experience. This year it seems even harder after two posts from Strakonice from last years. (You can read the previous two here and here.) But even though I am not sure I will come up with anything new, it is nice to look back and save these memories in another post. Anyway, new isn´t always better and some things are just right the way they are. Always the same! The same people, the same schedule, the same pool, the same feelings. (Okay, those feelings seems stronger every year!) So be kind to me and forgive me, if I am gonna repeat myself.
APA v akci!/ Adaptive sports students in action! |
Společné tanečky./ Dance, baby, dance! |
Někdy je potřeba ty vozíčkáře trochu zkrotit.../ Sometimes you have to tame your wheelchair users... |
...ale většinou je nosíme na rukou (nebo na zádech)!/ ...but most of the time we take a good care of them! |
Jestli to čteš a absolutně nevíš, o čem tu vykládám, řeč je o paraplaveckém kempu ve Strakonicích, který pořádá ČESKÉ PARA PLAVÁNÍ (dříve známé jako Kontakt bez Bariér, který nám navždy utkví v srdcích). Intenzivní plavecké soustředění pro plavce s nejrůznějším handicapem od čistě rehabilitačních plavců až po ty vrcholové, kteří nás budou letos mimo jiné reprezentovat na Paralympiádě v Tokiu. Své místo si tu najde každý. Vozík, berle či protézy tu jsou spíše týmovými dresy než raritou. Co nás všechny ještě spojuje je láska k vodě a úsměv na tváři od ucha k uchu.
If you have read this far and you still have no idea what the hell am I talking about, I am talking about a paraswimming camp in Strakonice which is organized by Czech Paraswimming organization. Intensive swimming camp for swimmers with various handicaps. You can find there rehabilitation swimmers as well as the elite athletes, who are preparing themselves for Paralympics in Tokyo. We have place for everyone. A wheelchair, crotches or prostetics seems like a team jerseys rather than a curiosity. Even though everyone of us is totally different, we have some things in common. We all do love water and we are walking around with a wide smile on our faces.
A taky že máme svou hladinku pod kontrolou (většinou). |
At the same time is the camp focused on lecturing the staff. It helps us to become better instructors to provide swimmers the best care possible. Only because of them we are up at 6 am every single morning and starting the day with morning trainings (well, maybe it is also because I don´t know any better start of the day than with yoga and a morning swim!). Of course it is not easy, especially after two hours of sleep which sometimes happens. But you know what? I have attended every single training for three weeks straight! That is called dedication (or masochism, who knows).
Trénování./ Training. |
Trénovalo se za každého počasí./ No weather is a bad weather. |
Instruktoři hadr!/ Be aware we have a badass over here! |
I když už se jedná o můj třetí ročník, letos poprvé jsem jela na všechny tři týdny. Nejsilnější emoce, kterou si odvážím domů je: „Sakra jak můžou uplynout tři týdny takhle rychle??“ Ale přesto, že to byla pořádná jízda rychlíkem (nebo možná spíš raketou), zažili jsme mnohé. Kromě každodenního plavání za jakýchkoliv podmínek jsme roztáčeli frisbee, skatovali, vymetali sekáče. Nechali se unášet proudem Strakonických splavů i líbezné hudby kapely Flying Parties, která ke Strakonicím patří stejně jako Strakonický Dudák (nebo snad Klostrman?). V nezaujaté anketě, která byla ověřena na reprezentativním vzorku jsme zjistili, že dvakrát tolik lidí otevírá banán přes páčku než přes bubáka. Z toho plyne jediné: „Otevírejte banán přes páčku!!“ (A chápete, že existují i divnolidi, kterým je jedno z jaké strany si otevřou banán?! Pak nemá být ve světě chaos.) Již druhým rokem jsem dostala na starost pražské holčičky (asi že jsem zodpovědná, nebo co), které mi pomalu ale jistě přerůstají přes hlavu! No naštěstí jenom fyzicky, i když…
Even though I have attended the camp for the third time already, this year was special. For the first time I stayed for the whole three weeks. And you know what was the worst?? That the three weeks seemed like three days. It ran so fast! It was a hell of a ride and we have experienced a lot. We had swimming trainings twice a day and on top of that we were throwing frisbee, learning to skate, shopping in secondhands. We lost ourselves in the river flows as well as in the dancing flows. We found out how many people are opening a banana on the wrong side! Like the last year I took care of two princessess from Prague (I guess I am the responsible one, haha). Well I am really curious how much respect I am gonna have when they outgrow me the next year!
Před rokem.../ A year ago... |
...a letos. Rostou jako z vody!/ ...and now. They are growing up so fast! |
Everybody have their own limits. But that is the fun, right? To overcome these limits. To sit home watching Netflix is too easy (and crying how fat you have become because of the Corona is even easier), but what if you are gonna take your life in your own hands, huh? I met so many inspirational people on this camp as always, like Richi who completed the race with an ear infection (well it is not an educational example but screw that, he is a hero!) or Alex who after the whole week of trainings went just by the way to win a triathlon race and came back straight into training. And Kloudy? He looks like you would put a coin in his hat but seriosly this guy can do pushups with me on his back. Crazy! Everyone of us has their own unique story but you know what do these stories have in common? Overcoming the limits. The aim to live a fullfiling life.
We should do more things we aren´t good at. Because if you won´t do them you will never improve. When I was starting with paraswimming, about four years ago I didn´t know how to swim. Seriously. But I wanted to. I wanted to learn that and I worked for that pretty hard. This year it has started to look like proper swimming finally. And I am so happy for that! I swam 50m under 40s, such a victory! It would never happened if I would give up, because I was so bad in it. To do things you are not good at is not laughable, it is brave!
Do všeho po hlavě!/ Diving into the life head first. |
Strakonice is the only place in the world where a sentence: „You know, the shorter your legs are, the wider is your smile.“ is meant like a compliment. A place where miracles happen and the wheelchair users are standing up on a party to dance with you. A place where you literally feel a huge gratitude in your heart. It is an utopia I know that, but it is nice to close myself in this fairy world for these few weeks every year. And even though I know the world would never be this wonderful, we can still try. We have power to change with every word, every action. We just have to respect each other, we have to accept people the way they are. What I absolutely love about Strakonice are the children of instructors who grew up in this setting. They are so warm-hearted and such an amazing people I can´t even believe that.
The farewell hurts every single year. Getting back to reality is hard, but the feeling of love and gratitude will stay in my heart for a while. The time lived in a moment with an incredible people, moving our bodies, outside, in the water… What more could I ask for?
Být součástí kmene./ To be a tribesman. |
Yours absolutely happy and grateful Alenka.
Děkuji za krásné zprostředkování letošního strakonického léta tím nejúžasnějším človíčkem s obrovským srdcem a překrásným úsměvem, který kolem sebe vše rozzáří do těch nejkrásnějších barev <3 <3 <3